Open House. Open House on Sunday, February 9, 2020 2:00PM - 4:00PM

Open House. Open House on Sunday, February 9, 2020 2:00PM - 4:00PM
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West Cambie, Richmond Real Estate
Please visit our Open House at 405 9199 TOMICKI AVE in Richmond.
Open House on Sunday, February 9, 2020 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Meridian Gate by Polygon! The ANCHOR community located in Prime Richmond!! This 3Bed+2Bath+Nook PENTHOUSE unit comes a rarely available 1230sqft functional plan with 3 spacious bedrooms, a separated kitchen, and 12’ ceiling! High-end S/S appliances, Gas Fireplace, and TWO Parking Stalls enhance your enjoyment even more!! Over 10,000 sqft clubhouse features outdoor pool and sauna, fitness studio, and multi-media lounge! Brand New Central at Garden City Plaza is right at your door front and hundreds of restaurants are just a block away!! Words are too limited to explain all features this unit can offer!! Come to our OPEN HOUSE from 2-4pm on Sat(2/8) and Sun(2/9)!! or CALL Sunny @ 7786680866 NOW for your private showing!!
作为名开发商Polygon在Richmond的旗舰住宅项目!Meridian Gate位于列治文全新开发的Alexandra Garden社区!室内1230尺实用方正户型,是市场上绝对稀缺的三房两卫+独立厨房的顶层单元,三个房间各自拥有着超大独立空间,和顶层独有的超高12尺楼底,让这个单元性价比爆棚!外加高档不锈钢全尺寸炉具洁具、煤气壁炉、适合我们华人使用的带窗户独立厨房和双车位等,足以满足您任何挑剔的要求!小区内拥有着所有公寓业主魂牵梦萦的万呎会所,内有宴会厅、健身房、电影院、访客套房、和游泳池等设施!让这里的住户个个都乐不思蜀!门口就是全列治文最新的沃尔玛商圈!在这几年的开发之下,已经成为列治文最方便的商圈!知名连锁超市和商家例如沃尔玛、星巴克、各大银行等云集,不远处便是列治文最出名的Alexandra食街!这些室内室外、小区内小区外的优点数之不尽!还等什么呢?赶快打电话给Sunny约看吧!或是来我们本周六(2/8)和周日(2/9)下午2-4点的OPEN HOUSE吧!我们不见不散!!