Open House. Open House on Sunday, August 11, 2019 2:00PM - 4:00PM
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Cambie, Vancouver West Real Estate
Please visit our Open House at 5585 WILLOW ST in Vancouver.
Open House on Sunday, August 11, 2019 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Young family alert! Rarely on market! Centrally located in WESTSIDE Vancouver! Proudly developed by reputable Mosaic! This Gorgeous townhouse is situated on the most sought-after QUIET & WIDE Willow Street! Featuring over 1750sqft SPACIOUS plan on ONLY 3 LEVELS with LOADS of LUXURY items such as H/W Floor thruout, granite countertops, S/S brand name appliances, oversize pantry with California Closets, and PRIVATE GATED SIDExSIDE 2 car garage attached to the basement! Current owner spent $35k upgrading appliances and renovating on 2016. Steps away from Oakridge Mall, Skytrain station, Van Dusen Garden, QE Park, Eric Hamber High School, & Jamieson Elementary School. Lots of UPGRADINGS are going on in the neighbourhood! You CAN’T MISS this one! OPEN HOUSE 2-4PM on Sat(8/10) & Sun(8/11)
年轻家庭请注意!本社区鲜有单元上盘!位于温西中心地带!名开发商Mosaic荣誉打造!这个联排别墅位于闹中取静的Willow街,拥有着超过1750呎三层豪华户型!室内外高档配置一应俱全,包括全屋实木地板、厨房大理石台面、飘窗、不锈钢名牌厨房器具、Mille洗衣干衣机、超大Pantry储藏室、私家花园、还有位于自家地下室出口并拥有自己闸门的并排私家双车位!目前业主在2016还花了$35,000装修,让这个单元档次爆棚!各样便利和休闲设施近在咫尺,步行可至渥烈治(Oakridge)商场、天车站、社区活动中心、Van Dusen花园、女皇公园等。名校Jamieson小学和Eric Hamber中学学区!目前生活机能已无可挑剔!加上市政府一系列的Cambie走廊计划,未来发展更是不可限量!别迟疑!立刻打给Sunny约看吧!别错过本周六(8/10)周日(8/11)下午2-4点的公开展示!