New property listed in Burke Mountain, Coquitlam
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Burke Mountain, Coquitlam Real Estate
I have listed a new property at 117 3525 CHANDLER ST in Coquitlam.
Families Alert! Desirable TOWNHOUSE in Smiling Creek on Burke Mountain! This long-awaited 3-Storey Townhouse is indisputable No.1 choice! Nearly 2000SQFT, this unit has 3BR+Media+2.5bath and Huge Private Patio! On top of a perfect frame, you'll be dazzled by many UPGRADES including Storage Cabinets and Handwash Laundry Sink in the Garage, Crown Moulding along main floor, HW Floor on 1st&2nd, Ceiling Fan and Fireplace in living area, Artistic Feature Wall in Family room, and Glass sliding door in bathroom. Double SIDExSIDE large GARAGE makes you never have to worry about your driving technique again! Situated at the best corner, it enjoys 3 way exposure (S,N,E) with view over Lower Mainland! Located in an extremely family-oriented neighbourhood. Sheffield Park and Coast Salish Elementary next door are both completed and welcoming you this Summer! Best location, Interior, and Features! This is where you call HOME! Come to our Open House form 2-4pm on Sat(4/2)&Sun(4/3)!
家庭买家请注意!您们翘首以盼的双拼型联排别墅终于来了!位于高贵林最适合家庭居住的Burke Mountain社区,这个精雕细琢的单元无疑是本社区的最佳选择!面积近2000呎(!),有着三间睡房、一个超大影音室(可做为第四间睡房)、2.5套卫生间、大型带中岛的厨房、以及私密性极高的后院的超豪华户型;在此基础之上,业主也在入住之后精心打磨,将室内装修得美轮美奂,一二层高档地板、天花板压边饰条、车库内安装了手洗衣物的水池和收纳橱柜、家庭厅的艺术主题墙、客厅的吸顶吊扇等,无不体现了业主的匠心独具;而人见人爱的左右并排双车库让您不需要天天挑战自己的耐心和开车技巧!不但室内户型面积和装潢是区内之最,她还位于最佳边角位置,坐北朝南开东三面向阳,让您端坐家中即可徜徉在阳光之下俯瞰整个低陆平原美景。位于高贵林过去十年全力打造的家庭社区,您被群山和公园所围绕,紧邻您社区旁的崭新Sheffield Park即将在今年夏天供您享用,而同样在您家隔壁的Coast Salish也将在9月份的新学期欢迎您家宝贝成为他们第一届学生!高贵林中心商圈也不过是十分钟车程!双层并排车位户型、室内高档设计装潢、市中心旁闹中取静、群山环绕宜室宜家,一切的一切让我只能惊呼她为YYDS!请务必光临本周六(4/2)周日(4/3)下午2点到4点的公开展示!!咱们不见不散!!!